Resolutions of the Tenth Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1
10-13 December 1996, Paris, France

TITLE:		Resolutions of the Tenth Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1,
		10-13 December 1996, Paris, France
SOURCE:		Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1
STATUS:		Resolutions adopted at the Tenth Plenary Meeting of
		ISO/IEC JTC 1, 10-13 December 1996, Paris, France
REQ. ACTION:	It is the intention of the JTC 1 Secretariat
		to issue separate communications on all
		Resolutions requiring action.
DISTRIBUTION:	P and L Members, JTC 1 Officers

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Resolution 8: JTC 1 Re-engineering

JTC 1 has reviewed the contributions received on the topic of JTC 1 re-engineering and as a result:

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Establishes the following process and schedule to implement the stop/cancel or publication/cancellation of appropriate projects listed in document JTC 1 N 4302 revised:

Decisions of the Ad Hoc will be effective 15 April 1997.

Negative: Denmark

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